Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mystic Force TV Re-Runs

Every Sunday 10.30am on okto!

*Click on the image for larger version.

Inspired after watching repeats of Power Rangers Mystic Force on TV today! LoL~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Samurai Gattai Series 01 DX Kabuto Origami & 02 DX Kajiki Origami

Plenty of stock to go around this time for the Bandai Asia (Hong Kong) Licensed shipment. No DX Shinken-Oh in sight though.

Ng's Collections was in chaos today, hahah, means good business for Uncle. I just went in, grab two boxes (made sure they are in good condition), paid and went off. Not forgetting to make my presence known to the Uncle... LoL~

So, I got them for S$60.00 (S$30.00 each); the Bandai Asia (Hong Kong) Licensed ones that is. The Japanese Versions were long sold out due to the limited quantity imported which started this year because of the recession. They were S$35.00 each... Sounds like a great deal right? Just S$5 more for each and I would be able to own the "superior" Japanese Versions?!

Oh well, I couldn't care less for these Auxiliary Origami and these Hong Kong Licensed are just fine. Perhaps I can spend the S$10 difference on food instead.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

25% Inflation

Bought this Candy Toy Raiden Hidden Disk #8 for S$7.50 at Comics Connection today. Actually, I don't really know why I bought it...LoL~

Candy Toys of 300 Yen used to sell for S$6.00 here in Singapore. As you know, it's the damn economic recession again, so those collecting candy toys will be having a harder time as well.