Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Ugliest Sentai Mecha Yet...

Turns out that ToQ-Oh is not the worst as far as Sentai Mecha design is concerned, and I'm not only comparing within the same series.

While the Candy Toy version made up slightly for its increased points of articulation, the DX version of Diesel-Oh is not only blocky but really uninspired with its awkward proportions. Not to mention that it looks particularly bad when viewed from the side; the entire structure is too flat which explains why the box art features a front view of the mecha.

I don't think I would want to keep it in the combined form for long, but until the Hyper Ressha Tei-Oh is released, Diesel-Oh is officially the ugliest Sentai Mecha in ToQGer and Super Sentai in my opinion.