Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chance to Get Engine-Oh G12 Cheap!

A fellow forum member has sighted some stuff out of the usual at the Jurong East MRT Popular Store which would be moving out soon mid-February. It is currently holding a clearance sale on book items and stationery.

Quite unusual to see Go-Onger DX Mecha in Popular right? I personally went down to take a look and confirmed that they are all Bandai Asia (H.K.) Re-Issues (2010 Made In Thailand). Apparently, Sheng Tai Toys was hoping to clear some stock because the clearance sale would draw in some crowd.

The Price List is as follows:

DX Engine-Oh S$79.95
DX Birca, DX Gunpherd S$24.95 each
DX Carrygator S$44.95
DX Toripter, Jetras S$24.95 each
DX JumboWhale S$59.95
DX Kyouretsu-Oh S$89.95

This brings the total for Engine-Oh G-12 to be S$374.60 (20% cheaper than the Japanese Version).

If anyone's interested, there's also the GoRaoder GT at S$49.95. And the new total would be S$424.55.

DX JumboWhale and Kyouretsu-Oh would be the most worth-it of the lot as the Japanese Versions were around S$90 and S$150 respectively. See the huge savings?

I would say that it is still worth it to collect since they are Made in Thailand (which is the same as the Japanese Versions) instead of China quality-wise. Last 2 years were Made in China for Boukenger and Gekiranger so the quality suffered a little.

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