Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Gold Samurai

Ah, the exact debut and then the Gold Ranger joining the Samurai Rangers.

I quite like Antonio (Steven Skyler) and his fake Spanish accent because he brings life (and entertaining moments) to the all wooden team (I'm referring to the acting). While Skyler's acting wasn't all stellar but I enjoyed his over-the-top expressions. Yes, Hector (Mike) is the better actor out of the core 5 but he wasn't given much chance to shine in the last couple of episodes.

After all, Antonio was made to mimic that of his Japanese counterpart, Genta, but the difference this time is that I like Antonio a lot better than Genta. ShinkenGold was too crazy for my liking, and if you did notice, his stuntman was too "over-sized" which looked really awkward.

However, I would like to point out the fact that Saban and Bandai have been too cheap with regards to his Samurai Morpher since they couldn't use the Sushi-Changer. You can clearly see in the show that they used the crappy plastic toy instead of making a more professional prop! The only difference would be that the screen is "digitized"... but this is just one minor complain.

Moving on, Antonio's Mega Mode is sparkly as well! Other than that, the Mega Blade is kinda expected. In case you are wondering why the Gold Ranger's Mega Mode Helmet isn't redesigned, it's probably because he was a new addition to the team (not enough time to redesign along with the production) when the show got picked up by Saban again.

Originally, the core 5 were already pre-designed by Bandai (to create the MMPR Movie feel?) possibly for new toy releases despite Disney's not supporting the show after MMPR Reversioned. Do note that these are all just speculations by the fans, but early versions of the Samurai toy website had images of Jason, Billy and Tommy in the Auto-Morphin Red, Blue and Green Samurai Ranger prototypes. Well...

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