Friday, July 8, 2011

DX Engine Machalcon Announced!

The final mecha has been revealed for the last quarter of Gokaiger toy releases, and it's none other than the Gokai Machine Series 05 DX Engine Machalcon (Mach + Falcon).

Now, who would have thought it's a new Engine (#13) instead of a redesigned Speedor (just citing an example). What's new and different is that it comes with a Deluxe Ranger Key which no other DX Mecha came with, and the return of Engine Souls! Not one, but two of them! Just when you thought that the Engine Soul collecting spree is over... I really have to give it to Bandai Japan.

Of course, this new Engine cannot be combined with Engine-Oh G12 so don't get confused. Instead, it's another Grand Power to be unlocked by the Gokaigers giving them the ability to form 'Complete Gokai-Oh'. From the catalog image, it's basically GokaiGalleon, Arms from GoJyuJin and Engine Machalcon. In other words, the rest of the mecha parts are discarded for the combination which is a huge pity.

Interestingly, a couple of fans have pointed out the design for 'Complete Gokai-Oh' resembling the Bandai America RPM Formula Transporter Toy! Wahahah. Is it just a coincidence or just basically recycling of ideas?

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