Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gashapon Ranger Key Series 02

Gashapon Ranger Key Series 01 didn't manage to reach Singapore, but it didn't matter in the end since all of the characters will be available in the Deluxe version.

After numerous requests by fans and collectors (as seen on facebook), Sheng Tai Toys finally bucked up and managed to bring in the Gashapon Ranger Key Series 02 in July. However, it is very hard to know the location for the Ranger Keys since there are so many different Gashapon machines (all over the island) and I don't even know how they determine if a machine needs to be changed. Whenever it becomes empty?

Thanks to social media, Sheng Tai Toys managed to notify that the Gashapon Ranger Key Series 02 is available at Toys 'R' Us ViVo City. There are two machines when I reached but one is already empty. Fortunately, the other one is still half-filled.

*One Capsule for S$3.00*

As BoukenSilver is the only Gashapon-Exclusive Ranger Key in this series, my concern is of course getting it despite having to spend a lot of money and end up with duplicate Ranger Keys. In fact, this is the better option compared to eBay because one Ranger Key can go for US$15.00 with shipping.

As it turns out, it isn't too bad because I got BoukenSilver at the 7th try. Actually, I only spent S$18.00 in the end because my friend bought GokaiSilver from me for fun; I wanted to give him for free but he insisted on paying me. As for the other Ranger Keys, I don't mind them since I can make customs if I'm free.

Hopefully, Sheng Tai Toys will bring in all the later series because there are a lot of characters that are Gashapon-Exclusive.

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