Friday, September 16, 2011

DX Ranger Key Sets 06-08

Nice! I didn't expect La Tendo to be this efficient because these were released in Japan only 1 week ago.

As pictured, Ranger Key Sets 06 to 08 are team releases of the recent 3 series which made sense since kids would be more likely to remember them. I like how the packaging is customised to reflect its original theme from their respective years, and not some recycled Gokaiger design.

Also, I know that a number of people has been complaining about the repeated releases of Go-OnRed, ShinkenRed and GoseiRed but I would like to point out that they are not exactly the same keys. The gold paint on the 3 Ranger Keys has been improved to provide a much better contrast in terms of details. This way, the whole team will also look more uniform and better together because of the new gold paint rather than with the old keys.

Having said, more DX Ranger Keys coming next month which would complete all 35 Red Rangers for Super Sentai.

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