Sunday, October 30, 2011


Went to CSC to take a look at the paint quality of the Ranger Key Set SP stocks and they turned out to be as shitty as the ones at La Tendo. So it's not an isolated issue... Yes, rebuying the set did cross my mind if I ever saw a decent one. The perfectionist mindset of a collector is scary right?

Quite a disappointment today since I didn't managed to get the stuff that I wanted.

At first, I wanted to make use of the OG 20% store-wide discount to get the DX Gokai Saber so I tried my luck by going to OG Albert @ Bugis. I have already checked out OG People's Park and they were sold out. When I reached, I didn't expect to see ZERO Gokaiger items there so I ended up empty handed.

Was lazy to reroute to OG Orchard, so I'll probably check it out at the next 20% store-wide discount.

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