Sunday, December 13, 2009

CSC and Operation Overdrive Completed

It's been quite a while since I went CSC, especially the Sunday Flea Market. LoL~ Nothing much today, except if you are into Transformers which formed the majority of the stuff there for sale.

Nothing much left to get from Ng's Collections since Shinkenger pretty much ended with the DX MougyuDai-Oh. Just an occasional "show face" so that the Uncle wouldn't forget this customer! LoL!

Something alittle interesting today: I "worked" for Uncle Ng for free!

It took around 1 hour for me to sort out two cartons of used PR toys and to "price" them so that the Uncle can sell them. I think an old customer "donated" part of his collection to the Uncle...

There was a bootleg DX Megazord which gathered alot of attention. Feel the power of classic MMPR! Hahah, then there were some Space, Galaxy and Lightspeed DX Megazords in terrible conditions, like loose/broken parts and yellowing.

Seriously, who would buy them?

I finally wrapped up my Overdrive Collection with this Chiller "Evil Space Alien".

Got it for S$5.00 at the almost-bankrupt ToyRoom in Suntec City. Couldn't find it anywhere else, so I was quite lucky.

Also, the action figures are now clearing at "3 for S$9.90". What am I supposed to buy for the other 2 if I am in this kind of situation? Hahah.

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