Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Introducing DX SuperDriveMax Megazord!

*Bandai Asia corrected the name from DualDrive Megazord in the American release.

The last piece of the puzzle to having a complete and functional DriveMax Zord System! I didn't wait till further price drops and got this trash at S$35.00 from Kiddy Palace as well. I got a free Jungle Fury calendar in return!

In one glance, anyone would conclude that this is a piece of junk! Yeah! However, it is also the key to forming the actual SuperDriveMax Megazord since it contains the SuperDriveMax Megazord head, Front Grill for Dump Driver and functional Drill and Shovel Drivers. Yup, Bandai America wins the evil honor for forcing consumers to buy all the 3 sets of Megazords to obtain the proper DriveMax Ultrazord.

Feel it to believe it!

I finally understood... Nothing beats feeling the actual thing than just seeing some photos/pictures. The DX SuperDriveMax Megazord is really made from super-duper cheap plastic! Yes, it's worse than the DX DriveMax Megazord! The infamous DriveMax Slippers are ultimate crap pieces of plastics and they are hollow! Gosh!

The only redeeming piece is perhaps the Shovel Driver which is the only Zord similar to its Japanese Counterpart (besides the Dozer Driver).


One word to describe: Fail. Somehow, the Front Grill can only fit the Black Dump and not the Red Dump despite having the same mold?! And, the SuperDriveMax Megazord head cannot be fitted onto the Crane Driver from DX DualDrive Megazord! Dumb! Stupid!

Stay tuned for the upcoming revelation of *something interesting* that I saw in the instructions!

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