Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Marketing Strategy?

Halfway into Power Rangers Jungle Fury already, but the toys aren't selling.

It's too obvious; the prices are freaking expensive.

So I was at Toys 'R' Us (Tampines Mall), and I happened to see this "Try Me" Deluxe Jungle Pride Megazord. I was quite amused at first, because this is the first time that Sheng Tai Toys actually attempted some marketing/promotional tactic.

Picked up the toy and immediately felt that there was a slight plastic quality difference (the Hong Kong re-issue is Made In China as opposed to the the Original Made In Thailand). I might be wrong as I haven't touch my DX GekiTouja for a very long time. Perhaps, the poorer plastic quality is just psychological. Hahah.

Anyway, the Jungle Pride Megazord was superglued (at the legs, and fists) together (and chained to a point) to prevent theft. So, consumers cannot separate it into the Tiger, Cheetah and Jaguar, but only restricted to the "Savage Spin" Action. That being said, the toy doesn't even have batteries inserted, so it can do nothing!

Hence, I hardly call it promoting because consumers are so restricted and it sort of gave everything the counter-effect.

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