Friday, October 15, 2010

Still No DX GoseiWonder...

Went to CSC today, considering it's pretty rare that I can actually squeeze out some time to slack even though I'm a natural slacker.

Nothing new at Ng's Collections at all; the Uncle is unable to secure any stocks for DX Gosei-Wonder or any of the Kamen Rider OOO stuff which the rest of the customers kept pestering him. Hahah...

Well, DX Gosei-Wonder was released in August and yet it's still not imported! Looks like I just have to wait for DX Gosei-Ultimate and get them together to save the trouble.

On a sidenote, Uncle was feeling very restless today and was talking about random things. Mediacorp was filming some documentary show (with host Chen Hanwei) beside his shop, but the Uncle was slightly irritated that the production team did not come and greet him as a kind gesture.

Then, he pointed out that even Edison Chen (whom he referred to as an International Star) was more polite than them. LoL, he showed me the photo of him and Edison together with another famous fashion designer. I didn't notice that photo in his shop at all. He also added another random remark, saying that both Edison and him are lechers!

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