Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gosei-Ultimate, Kourin!

You can call this a little review if you like.

Just feeling random, I decided to open up the DX Gosei-Ultimate one afternoon.

First of all, I should probably mention that Gosei-Ultimate as the last mecha of the Goseiger series is quite out of place for its concept and design. Well, it's like a spaceship or futuristic jet (with design elements of Megaranger's Delta Mega and Timeranger's Time Robo) in contrast to the rest of the animalized vehicle mecha like Gosei-Great and Gosei-Ground.

Ok, Datas Hyper was out of place as well for an arcade machine. However, that was just to constantly remind or trick the kids to play the Dice-O card game (like Animal Kaiser). So in conclusion, Gosei-Ultimate is still a odd design choice especially with the Master Head design in the chest area.

When I took it out of the box, I was frankly surprised that this toy was alot more heavier than I expected. The plastic is very solid and sturdy. Thumbs up for Bandai Japan! Not to mention that the chromed Miracle Gosei Headders really stand out, but scary and hard to maintain in the long run.

I got to admit... Prior to taking this out of the box, I was honestly unimpressed and regarded it more like a piece to complete the collection. And so with everything taken out, I started to transform it into the "spaceship" mode. *I always try to figure it out by myself and not look at the instructions.

Official Name: Gosei-Ultimate (Machine Mode)

Again, I was alittle surprised because I thought it was super simple from the show. The toy exactly required alittle more accurate turning of joints to fit into the respective correct positions. I kinda like that...

In its "spaceship" mode, the 5 Miracle Gosei Headders are prominently displayed in their chromed glory but weird in the design sense due to the 5 "holes" in the body.

Nothing much to mention about the Robo Mode, with the usual limited articulation points for all the Sentai Mecha.

It's just that after actually transforming and holding it do I gain more appreciation for Gosei-Ultimate. It is nice in its own regard and should not be treated as "just another piece of toy that completes the collection".

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