Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wonder Gosei-Great, Kourin!

Just for kicks, I took out DX Gosei-Wonder as well as the 4 required Gosei-Machine bodies.

Come to think of it, DX Gosei-Wonder is freaking expensive for 1 Body + 5 Headders (S$70.00) when DX Gosei-Great is S$90.00 for 5 Bodies + 5 Headders. Anyway, this is another mini-review...

This is the standard movie-debut mecha which will appear in the series at a much later time. In its traditional sense, it is usually a rehash (fans are used to calling them repaints) of the main robo in the series or additional gattai mecha. Some notable examples are Engine Daishogun (Go-Onger) and Bakurenoh (Abaranger).

Honestly, I was more disappointed in Gosei-Wonder than Gosei-Ultimate because of the plain laziness in the execution of the design concept. The idea itself wasn't too bad but the final result looked terrible.

Bandai probably saved alot of paint in the process because there are so little painted details which resulted in a very monotonous look. The Gosei-Bird is almost enirely lavender. Gosei-Dragon, on the other hand, looks terrific. And everyone got matching colors except for Pink who landed up with a brown Kabuto (Beetle) Headder. Quite a number of complaints from other collectors as well.

In the combined form, the additional helmet piece looked nice but the Crocodile Headder (fine in individual form) and Kabuto Headder are obviously out of place with the length and color.

Therefore, Wonder Gosei-Great pales in comparison with the Engine Daishogun, Bakurenoh or SaintKaiser among all the repaints.

If I were PLEX or Bandai, I might as well release the entire robo with all the bodies and headders (using the same design) but with different colors for all the mecha. In other words, it means that the Kabuto Headder can get a brown body and the Elephant Headder need not be yellow etc.

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