Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Samurai: The 18th or 19th Season?

Like it or not, the Official Press Release for Power Rangers Samurai has stated that it is the 19th season in the franchise.

As much as I (and alot of people) want Saban to recognize Samurai as the 18th season instead of the "Reversioned Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", it is pretty much a fact from a television production perspective - like the new opening, edits and effects as well as a new ending credits.

Sure, there's a lot of arguments against the stupid lame rerun and a million reasons why Power Rangers Samurai should be the official 18th season, but nobody at the corporate side is going to care for some numbering issue anyway.

Nope, there's more... Since Samurai is going to run for two years, does that make it 2 seasons or still one? Only Saban knows the answer now.

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