Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tensou Gattai!

Remember that I asked Uncle Ng to reserve the DX Goseiger Mecha for me a month ago?

DX Datas Hyper @ S$75.00
DX Seaick Brother Set @ S$33.00
DX Landick Brother Set @ S$33.00
DX Skick Brother Set @ S$33.00

Total: S$174.00

LoL! The Uncle said that if I returned any later, he would probably be tempted to sell them off. The last few times I went, I was told that not many people were interested in this series and sales were slow moving for him. Then this time round, Uncle Ng says that the series is very popular and at a glance, everything was indeed sold out except for one DX GoseiGreat (Bandai Japan Version).

Sometimes, I can't help but wonder why his words are always so contradicting in nature?

Interestingly, he thought he would make a substantial amount of money from my reserves because the package is so big. He was quite disappointed when he pressed his calculator and exclaimed, "So little only?!" Ahahah!

Anyway, I managed to save some money as the "original" price tags set by Uncle Ng was around SS191.00. Actually, Uncle Ng was inclined to give me more discount (S$4) if I paid by cash. But I was lazy... Am I stupid? Hahah.

Next in line for releases:

-DX Mystic Runner
-DX GoseiGround

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