Friday, March 25, 2011

Important Note: Mobirates

*Please click for larger image*

Thursday, March 24, 2011

DX Narikiri Set

Due to the problem with the Mobirates, I went down to Ng's Collections to find out more about the situation.

Apparently, more than a handful of customers called to feedback the same problem to him but he said that the stocks he received are all the same. Out of the 90+ Mobirates he sold, only a few returned the defective toy - meaning that despite the sound issue, the Mobirates is still too popular for people to give them up, he concurred.

It's true, and I am not exaggerating because all the online stores are constantly sold out of Mobirates (Japanese versions though) even with restocks.

As for Bandai Asia and Sheng Tai Toys, he didn't heard of any recall or major complains so far. Therefore, there is nothing he could do at the moment except to kindly offer me an exchange.

The other agenda for the day would be the DX Narikiri Set (*Narikiri stands for Role-Play), which one fellow forum member reportedly bought recently. I was extremely interested in it because it contained the Ranger Key Set 01 which was sold out everywhere online as well and Uncle Ng couldn't secure any stock.

Bandai Japan is darn smart at messing around with collectors right?

Bought the set at S$100.00 since I got nothing to lose even if the Mobirates has soft sounds; it was a small gamble. At least, I would get the Ranger Key Set 01 and GokaiGreen + GokaiPink's Ranger Keys which is the whole point of this fanatic collecting. All in all, the set was exactly cheaper (than getting the 3 sets separately) by around S$15-20.

Buying batteries and testing the sounds on the spot was particularly edgy, but turned out that the Mobirates worked fine with the uncle rather amazed. I was quite lucky to secure 1 out of the total 6 sets he got in before it was sold out. Yay, for awesome Mobirates sounds!

As for the Mobirates I bought earlier, I was thinking of exchanging it for either the S.H. Figuarts ShinkenGold or DX Pat-Striker whichever stock arrives first.

Friday, March 18, 2011

DX Mobirates Faulty?

Although Uncle Ng did mentioned something about the Mobirates sounding "soft", I dismissed it as a minor issue because I thought it was just some ridiculous customer complains.

However, after testing the sounds myself, the said "soft" sounds were literally soft. I had to put my ear close to the speaker to hear them; it's that bad. Therefore, I believed that something went wrong during the manufacturing process...

After watching several YouTube reviews, I was ascertain that the sounds for the Japanese versions were indeed really loud. Hence, the problem only lies with the Bandai Asian versions.

Nothing useful came up through the various online sources, so I decided to go down to CSC personally one of these days to talk to Uncle Ng.

Birthday Presents for Myself

So I was randomly checking the Dollz Inc website for updates and turned out that the Gokaiger stock has arrived at Ng's Collections yesterday.

Yay! What perfect timing for me to get myself birthday presents!

Quite surprised to see that the S.H. Figuarts ShinkenRed came with the bonus Kuroko figure, which meant that Uncle Ng managed to get the first batch from Bandai Asia. Lucky! Plus the price was very affordable as well at S$45.00 compared to the online route.

As for the rest of the Gokaiger toys, I had a harder time deciding which to get first since I'm on a budget...

I had no difficulty with DX Gokai-Oh since it was an obvious choice for a Mecha-Collector like me. As for the DX Magi-Dragon, I wasn't that anxious to get it first because the design wasn't exactly impressive. So I was debating between getting it or the DX Gokai-Gun because of the Ranger Key.

However, the uncle's assistant tried to convince me to get the DX Magi-Dragon first as he claimed that there is no guarantee of a restock. The funny thing was that he said that he ordered more DX Gokai-Gun and DX Gokai-Saber so I wouldn't have to worry about them first. In the end, I got the DX Gokai-Oh and DX Magi-Dragon for a bundle price of S$135.00.

Originally, I intended to get the DX Narikiri Set (consisting of DX Mobirates + DX Gokai Buckle + DX Ranger Key Set 01) but Uncle Ng didn't managed to get any stock. Hence, I decided to get the DX Mobirates anyway because stocks are limited as well. That's S$60.00 for the extremely popular changer.

On a side note, the uncle's assistant was stocking up on Sentai and Kamen Rider toys from the Compass Point Bandai Sale. LoL, typically of all the Hobby Shops to sweep up for future selling.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake and Tsunami Hits Japan

Reportedly the worst natural disaster to hit Japan in 300 years, and the 7th largest earthquake in history.

I am not going to discuss the details of devastation because news media all around the world are doing major coverage in real-time. My condolences to all the Japanese and their families in this unfortunate event.

Due to the catastrophic event, priority is definitely on the recovery and rescue operations. Super Hero Time has been pre-empted this coming week, and I believe production has also been greatly affected.

It is unfortunate that this event has occurred as well as affecting the 35th anniversary of the Super Sentai Series which had epic plans. No one knows for sure what changes will be made to the series but certainly, things that would remind people of the tragedy will be censored and removed all together.

Gokaiger has been spotting huge city destruction, so this portion will definitely be toned down. AbareBlack's "Grand Inferno" which resembles an Earthquake attack as well as Gokaiger's "Final Wave" finisher which resembles an Tsunami attack will most likely be omitted as well.

With regards to the shortage of Gokaiger toys online fuelled by the ever increasing international demand, I believe it will only get harder to obtain them because of this tragic event. I don't know how is Uncle Ng going to get his supply from Bandai Asia which is dependent on Bandai Japan.

May Japan recover fast and resume their normal lives.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pre-Ordered S.H. Figuarts ShinkenBlue

Along the way, some (or rather many) people have decided to simply give up collecting the Shinkenger S.H. Figuarts because they are just freaking EXPENSIVE. Quite a number find it pointless to collect only ShinkenRed if they cannot afford the whole team of 7.

I had the same thought so I only pre-ordered ShinkenGreen earlier on. However, it is precisely the same rationale which I have decided to pre-order Shinkenblue as well. I considered for a while and finally concluded with, "Oh crap, I might as well get the whole team instead of half of them... As long as I can get a decent paying job, it should be fine."

Went back to La Tendo to pre-order ShinkenBlue. Since the membership fee is S$10 per year, I figured that I might as well apply for the membership since I will be paying only S$0.80 more in total.