Sunday, July 24, 2011

Candy Toy Ranger Key Series 02

It's been a while since I visited the Sunday CSC Flea Market but nothing too outstanding as usual...

One small little thing worthy of mention would be the supposedly new Angry Birds Playset which features plastic game characters that can be launched at the plastic blocks and pigs. It's quite funny that people would actually buy the lame toy when the game is much better in that sense. Okay, maybe because I don't get the Angry Birds craze in the first place?

Yamakawa did a better job at importing the Gokaiger Candy Toy Ranger Key Series this time, I could see a number of shops and tables carrying them. However, I'm not so desperate as to fall for their stupid pricing; one was selling for S$30.00 while another was for S$35.00.

Unfortunately, the set was sold out at Ng's Collections though the Auntie offered to reserve it for me at Wheelock Place. I declined politely because it was too out of the way. Besides, I still have two more options for me to check out.

Bought the set at La Tendo where there's plenty of stocks around (without having to check Robo Robo). Plus, I could use the membership discount so it's S$23.75; cheaper than the standard S$25.00.

I would have just bought the GoseiKnight and GaoSilver keys (exclusive to Candy Toy) instead of the set, but those were snatched up in the opened cartons. Nonetheless, I'm fine with getting the set since the Candy Keys are well-painted and stickers are not too troublesome to apply.

Speaking of which, since some Ranger Keys are exclusive to Gashapon only, I have to hunt for BoukenSilver for Gashapon Series 02 which has arrived in Singapore but not yet sighted.

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