Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Chronicles of Auntie!

I went to CSC today to get another set of Ranger Key Set 08 because my perfectionist devil kicked in. And I also wanted to take a look at the quality control (see previous post) of the other S.H. Figuarts GokaiRed stocks.

Turned out that the the stocks for S.H. Figuarts GokaiRed at CSC did not have any quality control issues (like La Tendo and Fujiya did) after walking around today, so the gold paint is all fine! Hmm, I felt kinda unlucky to pre-order at La Tendo, so I hope the same problem will not happen again for GokaiBlue and GokaiGreen...

Back to the RKS 08, I wanted to get another set because I wasn't satisfied with the paint quality of the GoseiRed I got from La Tendo (there was no choosing). At the end of the day, I can just give the extra set to my cousin. Hahah.

The Uncle was quite restless today because I could tell that his business wasn't doing too well recently (probably due to the increase in competitors). So I went to the counter to pay for the item, and the Auntie wanted to charge me S$22.00?! How ridiculous of the Auntie to blindly quote me any price when the price tag was S$20.00! And I wasn't even trying to push down the price at all...

Best of all, the Auntie continued to pester me by reminding me that if I want any items from Japan, please go back to them because they can help to source. She specifically mentioned the S.H. Figuarts ShinkenPink and ShinkenYellow (both Tamashii Web-Exclusives) which I told her that I pre-ordered from somewhere else. Since she probed further to ask where, I just bluntly told her "Fujiya" the online store.

Gosh, I wonder how much more the Auntie wanted to make this more uncomfortable than ever. If something similar happens to other customers as well, I bet that it would potentially cause Uncle to lose more customers.

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